
Сулиоти (на гръцки: Σουλιώτες) са жителите на областта Сули в Епир, които по произход са православни албанци, но са с изразено гръцко съзнание.[1]
Източници от края на XVIII век описват сулиотите като албанци-християни.[2] Епирците-сулиоти слагат началото на гръцкото национал-освободително движение срещу Османската империя в началото на XIX век. Сулиотската носия (т.нар. фустанела) е утвърдена за национална гръцка носия.
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- Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopecek: Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770 – 1945): The Formation of National Movements. Central European University Press, 2006, ISBN 963-7326-60-X, S. 173. „The Souliotes were Albanian by origin and Orthodox by faith“.
- Giannēs Koliopoulos, John S. Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs: Greece: The Modern Sequel: from 1831 to the Present. 2. Edition. C. Hurst & Co., 2004, ISBN 1-85065-462-X, S. 184
- Eric Hobsbawm: Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. 2. Edition. Cambridge University Press, 1992, ISBN 0-521-43961-2, S. 65
- NGL Hammond: Epirus: the Geography, the Ancient Remains, the History and Topography of Epirus and Adjacent Areas. Clarendon P., 1967, S. 31
- Richard Clogg: Minorities in Greece: Aspects of a Plural Society. Hurst, Oxford 2002, S. 178. [Footnote] „The Souliotes were a warlike Albanian Christian community, which resisted Ali Pasha in Epirus in the years immediately preceding the outbreak the Greek War of Independence in 1821.“
- Miranda Vickers: The Albanians: A Modern History. I.B. Tauris, 1999, ISBN 1-86064-541-0, S. 20. „The Suliots, then numbering around 12 000, were Christian Albanians inhabiting a small independent community somewhat akin to tat of the Catholic Mirdite trive to the north“.
- Nicholas Pappas: Greeks in Russian Military Service in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries. Institute for Balkan Studies. Monograph Series, No. 219, Thessaloniki 1991, ISSN 0073-862X.
- Katherine Elizabeth Fleming: The Muslim Bonaparte: Diplomacy and Orientalism in Ali Pasha's Greece. Princeton University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-691-00194-4, S. 59. „The history of the Orthodox Albanian peoples of the mountain stronghold of Souli provides an example of such an overlap.“
- André Gerolymatos: The Balkan Wars: Conquest, Revolution, and Retribution from the Ottoman Era to the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Basic Books, 2002, ISBN 0-465-02732-6, S. 141. „The Suliot dance of death is an integral image of the Greek revolution and it has been seared into the consciousness of Greek schoolchildren for generations. Many youngsters pay homage to the memory of these Orthodox Albanians each year by recreating the event in their elementary school pageants.“
- Henry Clifford Darby: Greece. Great Britain Naval Intelligence Division. University Press, 1944. „… who belong to the Cham branch of south Albanian Tosks (see volume I, pp. 363 – 5). In the mid-eighteenth century these people (the Souliotes) were a semi-autonomous community …“
- Arthur Foss (1978). Epirus. Faber. pp. 160 – 161. „The Souliots were a tribe or clan of Christian Albanians who settled among these spectacular but inhospitable mountains during the fourteenth or fifteenth century…. The Souliots, like other Albanians, were great dandies. They wore red skull caps, fleecy capotes thrown carelessly over their shoulders, embroidered jackets, scarlet buskins, slippers with pointed toes and white kilts.“
- Nina Athanassoglou-Kallmyer (1983), „Of Suliots, Arnauts, Albanians and Eugène Delacroix“. The Burlington Magazine. p. 487. „The Albanians were a mountain population from the region of Epirus, in the north-west part of the Ottoman Empire. They were predominantly Muslim. The Suliots were a Christian Albanian tribe, which in the eighteenth century settled in a mountainous area close to the town of Jannina. They struggled to remain independent and fiercely resisted Ali Pasha, the tyrannic ruler of Epirus. They were defeated in 1822 and, banished from their homeland, took refuge in the Ionian Islands. It was there that Lord Byron recruited a number of them to form his private guard, prior to his arrival in Missolonghi in 1824. Arnauts was the name given by the Turks to the Albanians“.
- ↑ Грачев, В. П. Балканские владения Османской империи на рубеже ХVІІІ-ХІХ вв. (Внутренее положение, предпосылки национально-освободительных движений), Москва, „Наука“, 1990, с. 42. „В горном районе Сули жили албанцы-християне... После этого, пишет Хвостов, „турецкий сераскер принужден был предложить сим храбрым албанцам мир“ (доклад на руския дипломат Александър Хвостов от 5 юни 1793 г.)