Направо към съдържанието


от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия
{{{lang}}} ({{{lang}}})


  • Позволява гъвкавост при форматирането на легендата (включително използвайки {{Cols}} за да направи колони в легендите).

Пример за използване във файла File:World homosexuality laws.svg:

{{legend-shell|lang=en|title=Laws regarding same-sex sexuality
|{{legend|#808080|No information}}{{Cols|
'''Homosexuality legal'''
{{legend|#002255|Same-sex marriage<sup>1</sup>}}
{{legend|#0066FF|Other type of partnership (or unregistered cohabitation)<sup>1</sup>}}
{{legend|#7FBCFF|Foreign same-sex marriages recognized<sup>1</sup>}}
{{legend|#CCCCCC|No recognition of same-sex couples}}
'''Homosexuality illegal'''
{{legend|#f9dc36|Minimal penalty}}
{{legend|#ec8028|Large penalty}}
{{legend|#e73e21|Life in prison}}
{{legend|#8c210f|Death penalty}}
<sup>1</sup>May include recent laws or court decisions which have created legal recognition of same-sex relationships, but which have not entered into effect yet


English (en)
Laws regarding same-sex sexuality
  No information

Homosexuality legal

  Same-sex marriage1
  Other type of partnership (or unregistered cohabitation)1
  Foreign same-sex marriages recognized1
  No recognition of same-sex couples

Homosexuality illegal

  Minimal penalty
  Large penalty
  Life in prison
  Death penalty

1May include recent laws or court decisions which have created legal recognition of same-sex relationships, but which have not entered into effect yet