All tests passed.
Name | Expected | Actual | |
testStringToNumeric |
-- Unit tests for [[Module:Number]]
local ScribuntoUnit = require('Module:ScribuntoUnit')
local suite = ScribuntoUnit:new()
local libName = 'Number'
-- Helper to run all tests using sandbox version of the library from the debug console. To run against main lib, use =p.run()
function suite.runSandbox()
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title='testcases', args={module=libName .. '/sandbox', displayMode='log'}}
return suite.run(frame)
-- Allow test runner to use the sandbox and the primary versions of the library with the same testcases
function suite:module()
return require('Module:' .. (self.frame and self.frame.args.module or libName))
function suite:testStringToNumeric()
local tt = self:module()
self:assertEquals(123456789.0123, tt.stringToNumber('123 456 789,0123'))
self:assertEquals(123456789.0123, tt.stringToNumber('123' .. string.char(160) .. '456' .. string.char(160) .. '789,0123'))
self:assertEquals(123456789, tt.stringToNumber('123 456 789'))
self:assertEquals(123.45, tt.stringToNumber('123,45'))
return suite