Беседа:Теофилакт Охридски
In Byzant, people were declared by the names of their Themas, in order to be wiped off the ethnical differences among many ethnic groups that lived in Byzant. So people of Macedonia and Serbia and Albania belonged to tema Vulgaria. Real Bulgarians, present Bulgaria was Thema Parastrion and they were called Parastrians. Thracia was named Macedonia with Center in Andrianopole and all people in Andrianopole were named Macedonians in Byzant sources.
All people from Servia, Macedonia and Albania were named as VOULGAROI as they lived in Thema VOULGARIA. I do not know whether Serbs and Albanians are also Vulgars?
The picture you show, says: "Theofilact Archbishop of (thema - province)Bulgaria"! How can you say: Theofiocat Bulgar(ian)!??? He was greek, not Bulgarski, not Makedonski... HE WAS GREEK AND JUST ANOTHER BISHOP OF THEMA BULGARIA!
So: he was bishop of Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia!
- Пише си, че по рождение е грък. --Петко 15:35, 15 декември 2005 (UTC)