да споделяте – да копирате, разпространявате и излъчвате произведението
да ремиксирате – да адаптирате произведението
Съгласно следните условия:
признание на авторството – Трябва да посочите авторството, да добавите връзка към лиценза и да посочите дали са правени промени. Можете да направите това по всякакъв разумен начин, но не и по начин, оставящ впечатлението, че същият/същите подкрепят вас или използването по някакъв начин на творбата от вас.
споделяне на споделеното – В случай, че промените, видоизмените или използвайки като основа произведението, го надградите, то полученото производно произведение може да се разпространява само съгласно условията на същия или съвместим лиценз с оригиналния такъв.
Правно предупреждение Това изображение показва символи, които може да са незаконни в Унгария (Наказателен кодекс на Унгария 269/B.§ (1993), Латвия, Литва, Украйна и Полша, в зависимост от контекста.
This work is in the public domain because it is a work contracted by subversive factions of self-proclaimed Communist Party of Peru, such as 'Shining Path' or 'SL', and 'Militarized Communist Party of Peru' or 'MPCP'; which terrorist organization operates in a territory (called "República Popular del Perú" subsequently located in VRAEM, where they reside prior to the publication of the work) not administratively recognized by the government of Peru to be integrated into copyright law (conflict zone, Law No. 27795 Art. 4.3, of Demarcation and Territorial Organization).
Due to being under sanction, the works carried out by and for this terrorist organization are restricted from obtaining or acquiring property in Peru and the United States, as well as other countries, according to the extinction law (see its legal explanation in COM:Peru). They are also prohibited from enjoying the benefits of the Penal Code, including takedown in crimes against copyright and related rights provided by Indecopi (see Art. 30 DL 822 and Art. 3 Law 29936).
As such, this type of organization is in a disputed territory and under control of the Public Ministry, as well as the Peruvian State, the organization is excluded to private property in Peruvian territory according to the laws, articles 70, 71 and 73 of the 1993 Peruvian Constitution and Decision 351 of the Andean Community (by requiring its publisher as a legal entity). To avoid its claim of works produced in Peru, the bilateral agreement between Peru and the United States excludes the organizations in dispute from being part of the FTA between both countries (question 61, see also Annex 1.3 of Chapter One at Peru - United States Trade Promotion Agreement.). As such, it cannot be covered by the URAA since it does not include the VRAEM as Peruvian territory and its organization also has been subject to U.S. restrictions since its inclusion on the FTO list in 1997 (old version) under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA, 50 U.S.C. Chapter 35) and the PATRIOT Act (18 U.S.C. Chapter 113B).
Warning: This template applies only to criminal works created in ocupated territory and transferred to organizations that are excluded from Indecopi's copyright protection (specifically about the Law of Extinction of Property and Peruvian constitution). Other non-transferred works such as literary, artistic or scientific works of individuals could be rehabilitated by their relatives to protect theirs in their private domain.
Reverted to version as of 21:56, 13 October 2018 (UTC). Seeing as the PCP-SL doesn't have (and never had) a completely official/consistent logo, it's entirely pointless to revert to the lower quality version at this point, especially if it's also going to be inconsistent with the SL flags already on commons. I think the established rendition of their logo should continue to be this one, at least for the purposes of commons/wikipedia.
Файлът съдържа допълнителни данни, обикновено добавяни от цифровите апарати или скенери. Ако файлът е редактиран след създаването си, то някои параметри може да не съответстват на текущото изображение.