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Файл:San Marino Flagge Palazzo Pubblico.jpg

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San_Marino_Flagge_Palazzo_Pubblico.jpg (326 × 450 пиксела, големина на файла: 22 КБ, MIME-тип: image/jpeg)

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Deutsch: Flagge von San Marino, Offizier auf dem Balkon des Palazzo Pubblico während der Flaggenhissung
English: Flag of San Marino
Français : Drapeau de Saint-Marin
Italiano: San Marino: Ufficiale sul balcone di Palazzo Pubblico durante l'alza bandiera
Източник https://www.guardiadelconsiglio.sm/funzioni.htm
Автор Capitano Paolo Berardi

E-Mail contact

Permission request

An: berardip@omniway.sm
Betreff: Use of picture under the GNU FDL
Datum: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 03:12:32 +0200

I found your page www.guardiadelconsiglio.sm while doing 
research for the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, and 
thought your image regarding the Guardia del Consiglio 
Grande e Generale might be appropriate for inclusion in 
our articles concerning "San Marino".

I am specifically seeking your permission to use this image:

I would like to include your image in this german article:

Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/) is a free encyclopedia 
that is collaboratively edited by volunteers from around the 
world. Our goal is to create a comprehensive knowledge base 
that may be freely distributed and available at no charge.

Normally we ask permission for material to be used under the 
terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. This means that 
although you retain the copyright and authorship of your own 
work, you are granting permission for all others (not just 
Wikipedia) to use, copy, and share your materials freely -- 
and even potentially use them commercially -- so long as they 
do not try to claim the copyright themselves, nor prevent 
others from using or copying them freely.

You can read this license in full at:

This license expressly protects creators from being considered 
responsible for modifications made by others, while ensuring 
that creators are credited for their work. There is more 
information on our copyright policy at:

We choose the GFDL because we consider it the best 
available tool for ensuring our encyclopedia can remain 
free for all to use, while providing credit to everyone who 
donates text and images. This may or may not be compatible 
with your goals in creating the materials available on 
your website. Please be assured that if permission is 
not granted, your materials will not be used at Wikipedia 
-- we have a very strict policy against copyright violations.

If you would prefer more restrictive terms (for example, 
limiting use of specific images to Wikimedia Foundation 
Inc. only), we will be happy to accommodate requests 
within our ability to fulfill them. Should this be the 
case, please contact Wikipedia founder Jimbo Wales at 

With your permission, we will credit you for your work 
in the image's permanent description page, noting that 
it is your work and is used with your permission, and we 
will provide a link back to your website.

We invite your collaboration in writing and editing 
articles on this subject and any others that might interest 
you. Please see the following article for more information.

Thank you for your time.

Christian Thiele


Datum: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:07:27 +0200
Von: berardip@omniway.sm
Betreff: Re: Use of picture under the GNU FDL
Dear Christian Thiele,

I authorize you to freely use any photographs and material 
found on http://www.guardiadelconsiglio.sm   . In addition, 
you may link to our site from within your web pages..

Regards,  Capitan Paolo Berardi

Attiva la tua mail gratuita con Omnimail all'indirizzo http://www.omnimail.sm
Il servizio è offerto da Intelcom San Marino S.p.a. http://www.intelcom.sm


GNU head Предоставя се разрешение за копиране, разпространение и/или модификация на този документ според Лиценза за свободна документация на ГНУ, в своята версия 1.2 или някоя следваща версия, издадена от Фондацията за свободен софтуер; без непроменими раздели, без текст на предната подвързия и без текст на задната подвързия. Копие на този лиценз е приложено в раздела Лиценз за свободна документация на ГНУ.
w:bg:Криейтив Комънс
признание на авторството споделяне на споделеното
Този файл се разпространява под лиценз Криейтив Комънс Признание — Споделяне на споделеното 3.0.
Можете свободно:
  • да споделяте – да копирате, разпространявате и излъчвате произведението
  • да ремиксирате – да адаптирате произведението
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  • признание на авторството – Трябва да посочите авторството, да добавите връзка към лиценза и да посочите дали са правени промени. Можете да направите това по всякакъв разумен начин, но не и по начин, оставящ впечатлението, че същият/същите подкрепят вас или използването по някакъв начин на творбата от вас.
  • споделяне на споделеното – В случай, че промените, видоизмените или използвайки като основа произведението, го надградите, то полученото производно произведение може да се разпространява само съгласно условията на същия или съвместим лиценз с оригиналния такъв.
This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update.


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copyright status английски

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текуща08:15, 30 май 2005Миникартинка на версията към 08:15, 30 май 2005326 × 450 (22 КБ)Manchot sanguinaire~commonswiki*Flag of San Marino / Drapeau de Saint-Marin *Source : Wikipédia germanophone / German-speaking Wikipedia ([http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:San_marino_flagge.jpg]) {{GFDL}} Category:San Marino Category:Flags of San Marino

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