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Identifier: india00surr (find matches)
Title: India;
Year: 1909 (1900s)
Authors: Surridge, Victor MacCormick, Arthur David, 1860- ill
Subjects: India -- History India -- History British occupation, 1765-1947
Publisher: London, Edinburgh : T. C. & E. C. Jack
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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iousfrenzy and fiery potions can alone produce — theMoslems were converted for the moment into ragingdevils. Before them they drove a troop of heavilyarmoured elephants to batter down the gates withtheir steel-clad foreheads. But here their weaponswere turned against themselves. These huge beastsliked not at all the sting of English musket-balls and,screaming with terror, they turned tail and crasheda disastrous course through the closely-packed massesof the enemy. The garrison met the charge with unflinchingcourage. A never-failing hail of musketry met theirassailants as they strove to win the breach. Handgrenades and shells were hurled over the parapet tospread destruction among the surging crowds beneath.Field-pieces mowed down their ranks and strewed theground with dead and dying, but as each divisionwas checked and scattered, another quickly formedto renew the fierce attack. In the midst of the turmoil Clive suddenly espieda large raft making for a weak spot in the defences. 94
Text Appearing After Image:
THE COMING OF CLIVE Sink them, men ! he roared, but the gunners wereflurried and their shots went wide. Nearer andnearer the raft approached and still it and its seventyoccupants sailed scatheless through the storm of shotand shell. It was a time for instant action, and Clivehimself sprang to a gun. Amid the tense excitementof the moment he alone was calm and cool, and intothe midst of the closely-packed crew he sent hiscannon-balls with unerring aim. The danger wassoon past. A few seconds later found the raft for-saken and its unfortunate navigators struggling fortheir lives in the water. So the fight went on. An attack so fierce could not be kept up long,and within an hour the enemy had spent theirstrength. Four hundred had perished before thewalls, while Clives losses were insignificant. Atruce of two hours was called while the enemy buriedtheir dead, and then from the shelter of the houses thebombardment was renewed. At two oclock nextmorning the firing suddenly ceased. The garris

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  • bookid:india00surr
  • bookyear:1909
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Surridge__Victor
  • bookauthor:MacCormick__Arthur_David__1860__ill
  • booksubject:India____History
  • booksubject:India____History_British_occupation__1765_1947
  • bookpublisher:London__Edinburgh___T__C____E__C__Jack
  • bookcontributor:New_York_Public_Library
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:116
  • bookcollection:newyorkpubliclibrary
  • bookcollection:iacl
  • bookcollection:americana
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27 юли 2014


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13 октомври 2015


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