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ОписаниеBroumov NA CZ flag.png
Čeština: Vlajka města Broumov, okres Náchod. Modrý list s bílou labutí se žlutou zbrojí a žlutou šesticípou hvězdou ve vlajícím horním cípu.
“Protection pursuant to this Act shall not apply to
an official work, such as a legal regulation, decision, public charter, publicly accessible register and the collection of its records, and also
an official draft of an official work and other preparatory official documentation including the official translation of such work,
Chamber of Deputies and Senate publications,
a memorial chronicle of a municipality (muncipal chronicle),
a state symbol and symbol of a regional self-governing unit,
and other such works where there is public interest in their exclusion from copyright protection.”
Hence it is assumed that this work has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this work might be regulated by other laws.
|Description={{cs|Vlajka města '''[[:cs:Broumov|Broumov]]''', okres Náchod. ''Modrý list s bílou labutí se žlutou zbrojí a žlutou šesticípou hvězdou ve vlajícím horním cípu.''}}
{{en|Municipal flag of '''[[:en:Broumov|Broumov]
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